Dear colleagues,
The Department of Global Economics of Alfred Nobel University, with the support of the Ukrainian Association of International Economists, as well as with the participation of partner universities, invites young scientists, graduate students and students to participate in the XXXІ International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Transformation of economic systems and institutions in the new geostrategic realities’, which will take place on November 30 – December 2, 2021.
The conference deliberations will be on the following topics:
- globalization of the modern world: perspectives and contradictions;
- integration and disintegration processes in the modern world;
- transnationalization of the world economy: international business;
- political factors of economic transformations;
- social and cultural dimensions of economic process;
- forms of international economic cooperation and the main trends of their development;
- integration of Ukrainian education into the European space;
- impact of foreign economic activity on different level of economic systems (macro, mezzo, micro);
- history of world economy and economic thought: significance for solving modern problems;
- usage of achievements of Nobel laureates in stabilizing macroeconomic processes.
The format of the conference will include a plenary discussion, which will be addressed by leading scientists from around the world, as well as work in discussion sections using ZOOM video tools. The access code will be communicated to participants by e-mail addresses.
Languages of the 31st Annual International Conference for Students and Young Scientists
English, Ukrainian, Polish, Russian
The papers or abstracts of the reports at the conference will be published in a special issue of a collection of scientific works in electronic form. Accepted only papers and abstracts, designed according to the requirements of the Organizing Committee.
To participate in the conference, you must submit by November 10, 2021 the following documents to Dr. Ruslan Kliuchnyk to the e-mail address:
- registration form;
- complete paper or abstract of the report.
The paper (abstract) & registration form titles: name(s) of the author(s), & their place(s) of residence. For example: Hall_Warsaw.doc
More details in the file attached